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Drinkable yogurt "Dili" cherry 0.5% 300g

00-00067746   Յոգուրտ ըմպելի «Դիլի» բալ 0,5% 300գ

Drinkable yogurt "Dili" cherry 0.5% 300g

390 ֏

Brand Դիլի
Country Armenia

100% pure "Dili" dairy yogurts are made only from the milk of our own cows and do not contain any additives, preservatives, vegetable oils, starch or milk powder.
Harmless for children
Mass fraction of oil 0.5%
Ingredients: normalized, pasteurized milk, cherry jam (cherry, sugar), yogurt curd.
Proteins 100g - 3
Fats per 100g - 0.5
Carbohydrates 100g - 8:
Kilocalorie 100g - 49

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